History / Background
Our Mission
Our Core Values
We believe that we all live on the same planet and are responsible for our actions.
We believe that collaboration is the only way to achieve our goals.
Equality & Tolerance
As an organization we believe that we are the same but in different ways.
Meet The Team

Ben L Koriang

Jakob Hornbach

Janos S Bisasso

Ronnie Kyeyune
Finance Manager

Christine Nuwasiima
HR Manager

Salim Swaleh Katsigazi
IT Manager

Jerry Benard Etolu
Production Manager
Issa Karanja
Swap Operations Manager

Dickens Murorwa
Supply Chain Manager
Our partners

We strive to create partnerships with different organizations in order to create a wide network that can foster change and support for our communities.
Our products are affordable, tested for safety and always provide real value to our customers. Guaranteed.
We address the income and investments gap for motorcyclists who are able to save more on fuel which in the long run improves standards and costs of living for the general population. We provide and develop cheap and readily available mobility for the people at the bottom of the pyramid hence improving transport. We provide cost friendly products that can be afforded by a common man in the country.
We use technology to impact people in as far as skilling is concerned. We strive for technological advancement by providing engineering knowledge that can grow the technological sector. Our products are manufactured with the latest technology and crafted to foster new developments.
In a bid to improve the quality of work force and their families as well as the local community and society at large, BodaWerk puts aside a substantial amount of funds to contribute to education and Training for its employees and building employee skills to compete in the job market. Currently Bodawerk pays tuition fees for its employees who are advancing their career.
We seek to empower people everywhere by creating job opportunities, addressing critical challenges like unemployment. Bodawerk not only creates jobs for young women and men but also creates a wide range of innovations platforms that can benefit young people to be more self-reliant through job creation. Our recruitment benefits both the skilled and un-skilled labor allowing us employ the jobless and less educated population. Part of our core values, we treat employees fairly and ethically and provide a vibrant working environment that creates room for learning and growth.
Our primary focus is the environment. Our product is not hazardous and sensitive to the environment. We Invest in clean technology and energy to lower the environmental footprint that e-products have on the environment. Support climate change initiatives through creating environment friendly products and e-waste recycling. Our products fit the country’s goal to ensure a clean, hygienic and organized city. We seek to Partner with different e-waste recycling plants in East Africa and in the long run contributing to the world-wide movement to preserve the environment.