Our SDG commitment
SDGs & innovation
Global development has reached a point, where climate change has become visible to the eye, where 1% own and control 99% of the wealth in many societies and where global population growth is already straining our planets resources incl. the fundamentals clean air, water and enough food. This is a trend that endangers not only our environment, but also global and local stability and peace while increasing migration.
Sustainable practices need to be understood as a holistic concept that encompasses financial, societal and environmental / ecological perspectives in order to be accepted as a solution and implemented at scale. The United Nations promote 17 different Sustainable Development Goals which provide a differentiated framework to approach a sustainable and better future in a methodical way.
We are committed to the SDG’s and target various development goals with our products and company activities.
NO POVERTY - GOOD HEALTH & WELlbeing - reduced inequalities

We address the need for renewable and affordable energy access with systems providing four energy-related core functions: energy generation, energy storage, democratic AC power provision and EV charging capabilities.

Transport is not only one of the sectors with the highest CO2 and dangerous particle emissions, but it is also one of the most socially relevant sectors. With our E-Mobility products we contribute to affordable and sustainable public transport being key to many SDG goals.

We address the agricultural sector with our smart and electric agriculture technology improving food security by increasing productivity per acre through mechanization and other services. That way, we contribute to the sector, that accounts for 25% of the GDP of many African countries and that is produced to 80% by small-holder farmers.

We believe, that an educated and skilled local workforce is key for the local development and production of technology. It also enables local after-sales value creation such as maintenance and repair. Increased education always translates into an increased value proposition and addition of an employee. With a strong focus on women, we contribute to decent work and economic growth through educational empowerment.

A sustainable industrialization has to fundamentally divert in deepest structures from resource exploitation and consumption based growth towards an intelligent and circular use of resources. This includes a strong focus on reuse, repair, retrofit and recycle contrary to other principles e.g. 'planned obsolescence'. Our products are designed for maximum lifespan and local production & maintenance.